Hey It's OK...

Hey it's OK...

If your underwear drawer is the most organised thing in your life. Those lacy knickers are high maintenance and need space dontcha know?!

To laugh when you can't sleep. Even if the other half is really trying to get to sleep.

When you watch the same Youtube video over and over again. And laugh just as much as the first time.

To stop and think about the fact that your super hot boyfriend actually fancies you back, and then proceed to well up. Because it's real. And you're feeling all the feels.

When you wear your new jacket all day every day for a month. Inside and outside. Because, fashion!

To crave cherry tomatoes everyday for all of a year.

When you eat the whole chocolate bar. That was for two people. Like, whatever.

To not question something for once. Yeah that one can of pop rule a day? If you wanna break it one day you can. You're a full grown adult now so make your own rules.

If you forgot to reply to your girls on WhatsApp, because you'd replied in your head. The thought was there.

If you laugh and a little bit of wee comes out.

When you choose your funeral song on a weekly basis, based on what you currently REALLY cannot stop listening to.

Or singing the whole of The Greatest Showman soundtrack over and over again. And refuse to be bored of it.

To cry happy tears. At like everything you see and hear. Happy tears are good.

To genuinely mean that life is going well, when people ask. Even if your brain thinks that people will question your honesty in the response. ADMIT IT. Embrace it.

"If it's meant to be, it will be."