Life Lately...

Firstly, we need to talk about all the cute in this photo. I mean, he may have those little beady eyes on me at 4am when he wants to sit on the back of my neck, and wonder why I'm not playing with him (I like to think though he's just checking I'm still alive..), BUT it's too cute to ignore even if the alarm isn't due to go off for another two hours...

I think there's now battle of the best breakfasts these days. What once was my speciality of potato waffles and avocado now has competition against 'The Super Breakfast'. I mean, it is very tasty and gives me heaps of energy but can it beat my waffle one? That i'm still debating. Although when it's brought to you in bed, then I guess actually, it's winning...

I sometimes travel with work (sadly it's not the glamorous kind) and when the sun is shining and the Yorkshire Dales are on the cards then I really don't complain. And it's become routine to stop in the Dales and check out a different view each time. Accompanying the trip with an awesome colleague, lots of frappes and the perfect driving soundtrack - I think I can get used to this.

I've been a little quiet this week on the diary front, so I've taken some time out for myself. I had a long hot bath one night, with the soft sounds of Ruth B in the background and only my thoughts for company. I had a night where I tidied up my clothes, and decided what I want to wear for holiday. And I had a night where I took myself to bed at 8pm, because I could. It was actually bliss.

Last weekend we took a trip to visit the Sassy Peas in Bournemouth, with the men too and had such a wonderful weekend. It was full of cider and cocktails, enough food to feed the world and more laughter than you can imagine. Time with these two awesome creatures, and their equally awesome other halves (and y'know #Timstagram) is how I love spending my spare time. Especially when your stomach hurts from laughing. At pointless things too.

This little things makes me chuckle more than normal. It seems that any space he can crawl into, he will. And just like any other cat, he loves his carrier bags! On this occasion, he refused to leave it and ended up asleep inside for nearly two hours... Even when I decided it was time for my bed, and shimmied him out of it, before putting the bag on the floor, did I receive a look of disgust from him. Before he took himself onto the floor, and back into the bag...

But you know what, I wouldn't have him and his perculiar mind, any other way.