Brighton Life - UK

Brighton Life - UK

Last weekend, my cousin and I decided on a spontaneous trip down to Brighton. After a wild night before, and a lazier morning than planned, we jumped in the car with the playlist blaring through the speakers and sang all the way down to the seaside. In between eating Percy and Penny Pigs of course...

We hadn't planned to do too much except catch up with my brother and his always excited girlfriend and decided that the best start to a Saturday was lunch at Fil Fil (if there's one place who does the best falafels, it's those guys!). We spent the afternoon pottering around town, taking a cold stroll along the beach and discussing family politics. Just in the fresh seaside air.

 I couldn't resist snapping this cute picture. Because, you know.. Love.

Saturday night, we filled up our glasses with prosecco and celebrated in style with the best Mexican at La Choza. Nights where drunken heart to hearts, corn on the cob, some tequilla shots and awesome company are definitely how to spend a Saturday night. Oh, and watching Take Me Out on catch up with more wine. whilst getting the cutest cat cuddles. That's how to do it.

 On Sunday, after a tumble in the car park (and a cracked phone screen and sore elbow..), we wandered the little streets of Lewes where I decided that I wanted to move here (I'm sure I do that wherever I go!). We whittled away a few hours browsing the endless rows of flea markets and debating every single pointless purchase necessary before heading back to the warmth for tea and carrot cake to wind down for the journey home. I like weekends here.

And of course, it was only right to imitate those two in love.

Except, I don't think we did it quite so romantically with our cheesy grins.