The everydayKaty McPhedran

Life Lately...

The everydayKaty McPhedran
Life Lately...

Since returning from Spain and finding it hard to relax on holiday, I've now gone full circle and finding it very hard to motivate myself. So this week after work has been spent refuelling ready for another busy few weeks with work... And actually, it's quite nice to get home at 5.30pm, pop on my pyjamas, cook warm dinners like chilli and catch up on trash TV (or just get straight into bed with Runky...).

I go through phases of cooking, some days I want to cook everything and anything and other days, I'm happy eating pasta and cheese (you can't go wrong), and on Saturday morning after a few cheeky drinks out the night before, I rustled up my new found favourite brunch - potato waffles, bacon, avocado and halloumi. Gluten free AND tasty. I'm still yet to cut an avocado right though...

Watches are always one of the only accessories that I like wearing (even if I'm useless at telling the time..) and when this beaurtiful Filippo Loreti* arrived through it kind of made my Olivia Burton watches take a back seat for the week. This watch made me feel really trendy, and cool, with my jeans turned up and my trainers to match. Classic and simple is always the best right?

At the weekend, my brother came home to visit and in between drinks and dinner with friends, and refuelling, my family and I headed for some Nepalese food on Saturday night. Of course before dinner Mama Mcfred and I couldn't help but treat ourselves to a cheeky glass of Pimms - it was a sunny evening and we were feeling happy, so it seemed the perfect opportunity. Like mama, like daughter!

I'm trying to read more because I'm a fidget and I have a short attention span. To put it bluntly. And after being recommended this book, I decided to order it and take it on holiday but me being me, it didn't turn up in time...! I am currently spending my spare evenings lost between the pages, and once my colleague has borrowed it, we're spending the night watching the film with Camembert. That sure motivated me to read it!

This little chap has had a fun week (after his not so fun week in the cattery!) and I decided to finally let him out of the flat after Papa told me to give it a try. He was straight out of the door, and only looked back at me with his "see ya later" face. I definitely felt like a mum at nursery wondering if he'll come back. And as suspected, he returned to me 40 minutes later.Because he was hungry.He's a cat after my own heart!