A weekend in Wales

A weekend in Wales

 Last weekend, I loaded up my cute car (that I don't want to be cute. I want it to be cool), picked up Jazzpad from the station, and sang our way to Sarah's house whilst filling our stomachs with wine gums. Once Sarah and her million dresses were in the car, we continued on towards Gemma's house for a weekend of catching up, eating, drinking and basically chilling out along with Tia Maria and Sophie. A bunch of awesome fruits they are.Now I'm not the brightest spark, I'll admit that.So crossing over the border into Wales, truly fascinated me. Like it really did.And well, I'm a little gullible.So when the girls told me I needed to turn my data roaming off.. Yeah, I kind of believed them.

Friday night was spent catching up, talking all things that we do (what happens with the Pastry Bitches, stays with the Pastry Bitches), eating cheese, and watching films that were too scary for me (and confused my brain!). We waited until the wild one from Essex turned up, and listened to her funny stories over and over again.

On Saturday morning after a pretty tasty breakfast, we popped on our sensible footwear (well, as best we could), and headed out for a walk around Newport (kinda.. wherever it was, it was like being abroad!). The views genuinely overwhelmed me, especially with the weather being on our side. And it overwhelmed me so much, that being out of breath climbing back up the hill, didn't even bother me (well, a little..).

Because what weekend spent with good company, wouldn't be completel without a fruity cider at 11.30am in a proper Welsh pub overlooking the river (was it a river? Or a lake? I do not know. But whatever, it was nice!) discussing real life issues (yeah, mortgages, pay rises etc) and non important issues (school trips, dating disasters..).

We headed into a cute little village with Gemma being the best tourist guide, taking us into quaint shops, having some history in the Roman baths, and doing a spot of sunbathing (and being used as a football post - totally hurt!) by an old amphitheater, before grabbing a cheeky spot of lunch. When stonebaked pizzas are on offer, gluten free choices can go do one. Especially when washed down with a glass of prosecco!

Now I know why Gem is called Gem, because that she truly is. After we rolled back up the hill feeling really full, whilst she was busy rustling up a delicious spread in the kitchen, we all went and snuck under the sleeping bags for a chilled out hour (or two) on the sofa. A few hours later and she'd sorted us and our peckish tums out again.The evening was spent picking at sandwiches, and nibbling on slices of cake and biscuits, washing it down with some very tasty Pimms, before settling down to watch some girly films. Yeah, we're talking Mean Girls!

Asides from constantly feeling excited to be in another country but still be on the same island and not needing a passport (yeah yeah, it excited me too much - I'm simple!), I love weekends like this that are full of good food (lots of food!), some fruity alcoholic drinks, hilarious stories and wise words of wisdom, as well as being around the best kind of company.I must say this everytime, but these girls really are bloody awesome.And their stories.And their words of wisdom.And the fact they don't judge each other.Basically, they are really really awesome. Next stop.. Nottingham!