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Little B and I went to an engagement party at the weekend, and we've our first joint wedding of a friend coming up in September, so you can imagine that we're pretty excited. It's also hit us that we're not teenagers anymore, and even though I forget my age every single day (it's happening already) we're in 'that stage'.The stage where everyone and their nans are questioning when you're going to get married, or how long it'll be till you have children (and if you're feeling under the weather, the automatic assumption that you've a bun in the oven!) and if I'm being honest, sometimes it can all feel a little overwhelming.To be fair, Little B is incredibly broody and would get down on one knee tomorrow if he had his way, but there's this small part of me that still feels like I'm not ready to grow up. And I'm not sure why. Don't get me wrong, we're going to be together till we're grey and old (hello grey over here already!) but it's THAT commitment. THOSE commitments. That's what scares me. Oh and the thought of having a ring on these sausage fingers.Can't we just spend our days sitting in our pants eating crisps from our bed watching stupid TV and putting off our homework until the last minute, like teenagers do.Do we ever get to that stage where we almost agree we've grown up..?