Peek in the Wardrobe:

Today I'm wearing:I've decided to jump on this new bandwagon (possibly not so much new, but I'm venturing into it!).And take picture's of my daily outfits.Not everyday.I don't own this many clothes.Yet.But at the rate i'm going..I will.

Dress: Select. Boots: Boutique.

So today's outfit, is my SAFE outfit.When I never know what to wear.You know that day.When you try EVERYTHING on.And still can't find anything.So you stick your safe outfit.This is mine.The blue polka dot dress.Beautiful for summer: being floaty and free with pumps.And pretty for Winter: with some boots and tights.However.. THIS is the dress I am now avoiding when windy.Mainly because...It blows up.Uncontrollably.It even got me a comment one time."It's OK love, your pants are pretty"Thanks!I still went bright red.What do you think of my new post?Love forever,Kfedland x