Little Winter
Little Winter

Little Winter is a lifestyle blog, focusing on the everyday thoughts of thirty-something Katy.

Back in 2010, I started Little Winter as an outlet for sharing my fashion and chalet girl stories, however as I’ve grown, so has Little Winter. We’ve been through fashion faux pas, break ups, endless house moves and a lot of emotions, but it’s the place I call me. Nowadays you’ll usually find me sharing snippets of my home and interior, life with my beloved cat and a small child (and my wonderful boyfriend of course), travel posts, and what’s made Little Winter who it is today, those honest and raw blog posts from mental health and body dysmorphia, to just making it through each day.

So whilst you won’t find me delving into the archives that far back (why nobody told me that I looked silly wearing a trilby hat to an interview I’ll never know…), Little Winter is just an open journal and what I’d like to call a safe place that may help someone else navigating relationships, mental health, and most importantly, themselves. So stay a while, and let’s chat.


Katy McPhedran | 31 | London