Casual In Burgundy

Urban Outfitters Dress | Topshop Jeans | Duo Boots* | Primark Bag | New Look Jacket

The weekends are coming and going quicker than we can say we're hungry (we say it pretty fast...) but we'll take it as a good thing considering these little feet of ours have been pottering all over the land lately. And for busy weekends it seems that jeans have become my best friend. Alongside Little B and his best friend jeans. So basically, we're just one big jeans family... Apart from Little R. He prefers free roaming.

I like wearing dresses but it doesn't half disappoint me when I shrink them in the wash. This has happened on a few occasions, I think, unless I've suddenly grown in my sleep but I'm uncertain. So instead I looked on the bright side (silver lining and all that - not literally) and turned those cheek-flashing dresses into tops. And it's a complete win all round because I've still got my dress to wear and it also covers those chocolate loving thighs of mine!