This weekend

This weekend we made a pretty tasty breakfast for Little B's family and us. It was also the perfect excuse to use my new milk jug that Little B finds pointless. Turns out that actually, it is so much better as decoration only. At least it looks nice on the shelf..

This weekend we had Little B's parents to stay which always makes me cheery because we're fans of having people over to stay. It also gives us the kick up the bum to make sure the house is completely spotless! And those towels are clean and smelling fresh.

This weekend we took a walk around Wicksteed park. It brought back childhood memories for us remembering where the old slides were and how much bigger everything looked. Whenever I visit there, I always love to come and see my little nan's old house.

This weekend Little B and his papa went to play golf, so his mama and I did a spot of shopping. Pink isn't my colour.. but it seems that this weekend, pink was my colour. And I've also become a bit fond of leopard print.. I blame my mama for this!

This weekend, instead of dinner out on Saturday night, we opted for a Mexican themed night in and the chance to completely catch up and giggle. We'd planned to watch a movie after, but with too much wine, we soon fell asleep! These kind of nights are the nicest.

This weekend was really lovely. Although we like to be busy, it's also nice to not make plans but still get lots done. We spent it walking around parks, eating brunch in coffee shops, drinking lots of wine, relaxing at Sunday lunch with both of our parents in the pub, pottering around the garden and enjoying the best company. Little R on the other hand.. He ate lots, caught many flies, and slept. I think we'll all sleep well tonight.